Jackson Doctor Conrad Murray Filmed for British Documentary

December 24th, 2009 by Daniel Kreps Leave a reply »

Photo: AFP/Getty Images

A British documentary team has filmed Dr. Conrad Murray’s first day back at his practice for an upcoming television special. Murray remains the lone focus of the Michael Jackson homicide investigation; Jackson was Murray’s patient at the time of his June 25th death from cardiac arrest following an acute intoxication of the powerful anesthetic Propofol. As Rolling Stone previously reported, no charges have yet been filed against Murray, who returned to his Houston practice on November 23rd.

According to the AP, Murray’s spokeswoman Miranda Sevcik confirmed that a British film crew chronicled the physician’s first day back at the Houston clinic. Sevcik added that Murray allowed the crew to film him, but added that no footage will be aired until the entire investigation into Jackson’s death and any legal proceedings involving Murray have been completed. Murray has denied any wrongdoing in Jackson’s death.

As Rolling Stone reported in early December, the interpretation of the “complex medical data” involved in the Jackson investigation likely means that the decision to file any charges against Murray is “months rather than weeks away.” Outside help has been recruited to help investigators dig through the files and toxicology reports to determine whether or not Murray acted improperly in administering Jackson with Propofol, an aesthetic that is mainly for hospital use. Jackson’s death has already been classified as a “homicide” by the Los Angeles county coroner, and a search warrant used to raid Murray’s clinics said that the physician was being investigated for suspicion of manslaughter.

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Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily


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